The 2014 Workshop on Teaching Software Testing is Expanded

The 2014 Workshop on Teaching Software Testing is scheduled for January 24-26 in Melbourne, FL This year’s focus will be on advanced courses in software testing. You can read the details at

In addition, we will immediately follow WTST with the first live pilot of the Domain Testing class. This will be our first of the next generation of BBST classes. Rebecca Fiedler and I have been working on a new course design and we plan to use some new technology. Our first pilot will run in Melbourne from Jan 27-31, 2014. Our second live pilot is scheduled for May 12-16 at DeveloperTown in Indianapolis.

Are you interested in attending one of the pilot courses? If so, please apply here. If you are accepted as a Domain Testing Workshop participant, there will be a non-refundable deposit of $100 to defray the cost of meals, snacks, and coffee service. We’ll publish more details about the pilot courses as they become available.


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